How To Hire An Electrician to Install A Light Fixture brisbane sunshine coast (2)

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Why should you hire an electrician to install new lights in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast?

Electrical fires cause millions of dollars in damages around Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast each year. A large percentage of fires occur from electrical faults, poor installations and other causes. This is the main reason you should hire an electrician to install new light fittings in your home, office, shop, building, commercial and residential properties in North Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.

This is a good reason not to do all your electrical work at home. There are DIY projects that you can do, such as replacing bulbs or coverings for wall outlets. When you have to install a new light fixture, it’s a whole different story.

A single mistake can cost a job that was otherwise inexpensive a lot more. It’s dangerous and even dangerous to install the equipment yourself.

This is why it’s important to hire an electrician for this job.

Are you ready to find out why experts are necessary for lighting installations? Let’s dive in!

Licensure required for all electrical work

Anyone who does electrical work in Queensland must have an electricians license. This includes the installation of new systems or making modifications to existing ones.

You will need a license to install new light fixtures.

Connecting to Existing Connections and Installing New Wiring

You will need electricity to make the ceiling or wall light fixture function. This means that you will need to connect the fixture to your existing electrical wiring. In some cases, you may need to add new wires to allow the fixture to plug into existing wiring.

It is important to know what wire goes where. It can be difficult to know which wire should go where given that a switch box can contain six or more wires.

You should also be familiar with the different types of wires, such as neutral, hot, and ground. To get the light fixture installed correctly, you must connect it to the correct wires.

Confusing, right? Flickering lights and difficulty getting your new fixture to turn on are just two of the problems. One mistake in these connections could be enough to light a fire.

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Wall Support

When it comes to their weight, light fixtures come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Chandeliers are the heaviest. Ceiling fans with metal blades are heavier than those with lighter ceilings.

The location should be capable of supporting the additional weight. This is true for both ceiling and wall light fixtures.

This can cause your ceiling or wall to collapse or give way if you don’t know how to do it. This can lead to costly repairs and even a safety hazard. Hanging light fixtures are especially dangerous because they can be positioned right underneath people.

This is why licensed electricians are equipped with the right skills and tools. First, they will make sure that the fixtures are not too heavy on your ceilings or walls.

Special Fixtures Need Special Hardware

Special electrical boxes are required for fixtures weighing more than 15 pounds. A licensed electrician can install this box for you if you don’t already have one. These boxes can hold and support fixtures up to 150 pounds.

Mounts that are designed for heavy fixtures will be required. These mounts will ensure that your expensive fixture is secure and stable. These can be supplied and installed by your trusted electrician.

Hanging Distance

Your light fixtures should not be too high or too low. If the light fixtures are too low or too high, they won’t be bright enough to properly illuminate the area. Both of these are ineffective, waste electricity, and pose a safety risk.

Professional electricians are equipped with the right tools to determine the appropriate distance. Ceiling lights that are to be installed above a dining table or work area should be measured carefully. A proper hanging distance is important to keep high-traffic areas like hallways safe and free from accidents.

How To Hire An Electrician to Install A Light Fixture brisbane sunshine coast (2)

Keep Your Fixtures Under Warranty

Light fixtures come with warranties, whether they are fancy or not. These warranties often indicate that professional installation is required. Installing them yourself is a violation of their warranty, even if you are a licensed electrician.

Professional electricians offer a warranty on all of their products and services. You can trust them to install your light fixtures. This warranty covers you against additional expenses if there is a problem with their work.

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A New Light Fixture May Need Extra Insulation

Extra insulation may be required for wall or ceiling light fixtures. Ceiling fans generate more heat, so it is important to use extra insulation. The fan’s movement and light create more heat.

An electrician can assess whether your wall or ceiling insulation is adequate. They can install additional insulation if necessary.

Value-Added Service from Pro Electricians

An electrician pro can help you with other aspects of your electrical system.

They can also help you calculate how much you will save by using LED light fixtures. LED lighting is both the most efficient and economical lighting option. They use 75% less energy. Their lifespan is 25 times longer than incandescent lighting.

A licensed electrician can also tell you if your wiring is in need of repair. As soon as they attach your fixture to the home’s wiring, licensed electricians can tell you if it is time for an overhaul. They will also let you know when it is time to have your electrical panel replaced.

Safety is our priority

While some electrical projects can be done on your own, others require wiring. These DIY projects can lead to fires nearly every 24 hours across the country.

A licensed electrician can install your new light fixture. This is the fastest and easiest way to get your new lights. This is also the most secure method. That should be enough to convince you to hire a professional.

Are you ready to get that chandelier running?  Get in touch. We will get you the service that you require as soon as possible.

5 Star Electrician Brisbane Northside and Sunshine Coast

Electrical Contractors that help your family, business or property be safe and work efficiently every day 24 hrs, after hours and emergency.

Our North Brisbane and Sunshine Coast based electrician can efficiently install, repair, or maintain any electrical system including lighting, air conditioning, wiring, power points, new home builds, construction, renovations, test and tag services, electrical safety inspections, switchboard upgrades, home automation and smart systems and much more. Contact us today for a free quote and prices.

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